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Gulick Family - Kindred Circle Farm - Springfield, Vermont

Dr Oney has been taking care of our small herd of horses since 2007. He has treated every imaginable equine illness, accident, and chronic condition on our farm.  Notably, he helped rehabilitate an emaciated cart horse we rescued from auction with a severely foundered hoof. Dr Oney brought his portable x-ray machine to the farm biweekly for several months as the hoof cycled through recurrent abscesses from rotational founder. He also helped extricate our senior ex-racehorse from a water trough. He has treated horses with chronic lymphedema and Cushing’s Disease. Dr Oney’s experience as a race-track vet is invaluable when treating equine lameness. Our many senior horses with osteoarthritis have benefited tremendously from Dr Oney’s expertise.  Dr Oney is capable of handling any kind of equine emergency that can befall a horse and responds immediately to calls with words of comfort and reassurance. 

Lucy Goodrum - Reading, Vermont

For over a decade, Jeff Oney has been an indispensable part of our equine family. His unwavering dedication, expertise, and genuine love for our horses has consistently exceeded our expectations. From routine check-ups to navigating complex medical issues, Jeff has always provided compassionate and top-notch care for our horses. His deep understanding of equine health and tireless commitment to their well-being have brought us peace of mind throughout the years. We are immensely grateful for Jeff’s exceptional service and the invaluable role he plays in the lives of our beloved horses.

Gulick Family - Kindred Circle Farm - Springfield, Vermont

Turtle Hill Farm, Reading, Vermont